Tuesday 8 January 2008

Discerning vocation

We spent some time this week thinking about vocation. Everyone expressed a variety of emotions: excitment, apprehension, uncertainty. Some also described the inner peace they felt. I talked about how I felt very comfortable relating that I know I have been created for the work God wants me to do and I am now moving towards it. This meant I felt an inner peace, but I also talked some more about the inner turmoil that had marked some stages of my calling. I believe that God calls to comfort and to disturb.
The disturbing calling that came to me during this session was "closing churches" (not really a great marketing style statement from God eh! - why not pruning, building on new foundations, renewal?).
When you set out on a new adventure or set a new course its great to be filled with expectation and anticipation of all the exciting things that are going to happen. I'll need to listen some more for that part for me.
I will reflect on the "closing churches" in a later post. With all the excitment and good humour it did not feel right to share this with my fellow travellers yesterday - I will tell them - I just need to think about this first.

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