Sunday, 14 June 2009


Now that I have finished my 4 assessed modules (which I understand qualifies me for a Postgraduate Diploma - heh-heh-heh!) I now move onto my dissertation.
I hope to be looking at John Wesley's leadership and theology, and how that might be helpful to today's Methodist presbyter (not Minister because I have to narrow the focus). This should mean some interesting exploration of Wesley's original writings.
I hope to do some case studies of current practice, so I will be seeking some volunteer presbyters to help.


I will now train for 2 years part-time at Urban Theology Unit.
This means that I will carry on working for the Sheffield (West) Circuit.
In order to fit everything in I may have to alter my hours a bit at work, and consider using the time I currently spend in my home Circuit preaching in a placement in another circuit.
Still to work all that out with Christine at UTU.
I will team up with the people who are already training on a part-time basis some of whom I already know. i will miss my friends and fellow travellers as they are all going somewhere else, but will look forward to hearing about their journey's.