Friday, 22 February 2008

Help needed

Attached is a link to an online petition for Amina Makinta:
Amina needs support in her efforts to stop the Home Office enforcing her return to Nigeria. It seems that she is almost certain to face death if she is sent back. If you could read the details and pray and may be sign the petition and maybe pass this on then that would be a great help.
God Bless. John

mid year review

I have now reached the halfway stage of the first year. I have learnt an incredible amount and enjoyed the support of my fellow travellers - students and staff. I am really enjoying the time taken to reflect and althought the transition to being a student is a struggle I feel that the process is working. I can confirm that I believe I am called to a ministry role that involves serving people and sacremental service. The bit to work out still is the actual role - links to supporting workers - and who would be interested in employing me to do it! Plenty of time and thanks for watching.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008


Looks like there may be a great opportunity to do some relevant local work on my next assignment for the "Bible and the city" module. We were involved in the local community group where I live a year ago who were involved in regeneration projects for the local community.
One of the key issues highlighted was the impact of immigration on the local area and the life experiences of immigrants. I have to link a contemporary issue with an Old and New Testament passage and work on an exegesis using an "appropriate hermeneutical method" (I think that translates as "Bible Study").
A large number of our neighbours are immigrants from European countries. Work seems to be the primary reason for coming to Wakefield. This will link very well with economic migration passages in both OT & NT. Just need to find the local "theological" issue that links. Any ideas?